Outrage Over Advice To Self Employed Workers In Spain


Outrage Over Advice To Self Employed Workers In Spain.  Autonomo workers in Spain are furious after the latest government advice does little to ease their situation.

Outrage Over Advice To Self Employed Workers In Spain

Outrage Over Advice To Self Employed Workers In Spain

As Spain’s government confirmed a third extension to the lockdown period, self employed workers are still no closer to getting any real help to lighten the financial burden this situation has heaped upon them.  Today, the government’s Department Of Saying Things Which Sound Useful But Don’t Really Mean Anything has issued advice to the millions of hard up autonomo workers.

The statement released today by Salvador Sin-Sentido suggests several things which self employed workers can do until the government finally removes it’s cranium from it’s derriere and actually does something to help.  The suggestions include:

  • Learning new skills
  • Maximising resources
  • Searching for precious metals

Learning New Skills

So what do these suggestions actually mean?  Juan Peron from the Worker’s Andalucia National Knowledge says “Learning new skills is very important at this time.  In particular, getting blood out of a stone is a skill which all autonomo workers must learn.  After a month of paying taxes, insurance, rent, electricity and water bills with no income this is a skill which is going to be very useful”.

Angry Man Computer

An autonomo worker checking his online bank balance-

Maximising Resources

Self employed workers have been taking the advice to maximise resources since it became clear that the government was not in a rush to assist financially.  Moe Lester lives in Marbella but is originally from Birmingham, he says “Actually I’m not from Birmingham, I’m from Sutton Coldfield.  I’ve discovered that if I’m careful, I can actually get three cups of tea out of one Yorkshire Tea bag.  I must thank the government for this advice.  It tastes like rat p*ss but we must all do our bit”.

Weak Tea

The government have suggested getting three cups of tea from one tea bag.

Precious Metals

The suggestion to search for precious metals has raised some eyebrows, but Enrique Enganado from the Department Of Making Proverbial Sayings Sound Like Good Advice says “This one should be easy for the British expat autonomo workers.  Searching for precious metals means finding the silver lining which every cloud has.  After dealing with Brexit we feel that this shouldn’t be too challenging for them”.

Brexpats In Spain Crowd

A small number of people gathered inside the Brexpats Building in Benalmadena to hear Anne Fernandez give one of her famous outrage infused speeches.

Outraged Expats In Spain

British expats on the Costa Del Sol have reacted with outrage to this statement from the government.  Anne Fernandez runs a Facebook Group where Brits can express their outrage over important political matters including Brexit and the price of British bacon from Denmark.  She says “I’m absolutely outraged.  We all are.  What our autonomo workers need is money, not meaningless suggestions.  Many of my members have been working in Spain for years and doing their best to avoid paying into the system.  They deserve better.  This is outrageous.  Absolutely outrageous.  Almost Brexit levels out outrage.  Almost.”

Stew Pidd

Stew Pidd thinks this is fake news.

Fake News

Stew Pidd has never worked a day in his life.  He said “This is fake news. For sure.  Fake news.  Boris is best.  Go our for a walk. It’s no worse than a cold. More people die from falling down the stairs.  Fake news.”

Do you welcome this advice from the government? Have your say in the comments below.

Written by Gloria Stits, Costa Del Sol Update

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