Brits Banned From Costa Del Sol Beaches After Brexit 


Brits Banned From Costa Del Sol Beaches After Brexit.  Brits will not be allowed on most beaches, though some designated beaches will be available with a small fee to be paid.

Brits Banned From Costa Del Sol Beaches After Brexit 

Brits Banned From Costa Del Sol Beaches After Brexit

In a shock move today, the Costa Del Sol County Council have announced that British tourists and expats will be banned from some local beaches after Brexit.  The new rules will come into force on the day when Brexit is completed, though there is uncertainty when that date will actually be.

Taking Back Control

Councillor Alfonso Arena says that banning British people from some beaches is the fairest solution for Europeans and Brits in Spain.  “At the moment, we are all Europeans and we all pay into the system.  After Brexit, British people will have no legal right to use the beaches here.  We are taking back control, and keeping Brits off the beaches which the rest of Europe is paying for”.

Brits On Beach

British people will still have access to some beaches, for €10 a day.

After Brexit, most beaches on the Costa Del Sol will become Brit Free Beaches.  Designated beaches for use by British people will be set up to the west of Marbella, between Benalmadena and Torremolinos, and to the east of Nerja.  Access to these beaches will cost €10 per day, payable in advance upon presentation of a passport at any local town hall or police station.

Police Patrols

The Guardia Civil will be patrolling beaches after Brexit to make sure no British people are taking advantage of sandy spaces which they are not entitled to use.  The new Beach Utility Target Taskforce division has  been trained to listen for British accents, and identify potential British beach users by their fashion choices.

Police Beach

Specially trained police officers will be patrolling the beaches, on the look out for Brits who are not abiding by the new laws.


Constable Carlos Orilla Del Mar says the force has been receiving extensive training.  “Our men will be able to spot a British beach user from a hundred yards away.  We are able to identify British accents (with the exception of the Liverpool accent which is proving very difficult for us), and we will be on the lookout for people wearing white socks with sandals, and inappropriately tight swimming shorts.  These are usually a good indication of Britishness.  Offenders will be fined and deported immediately”.

Unpopular With British Tourists

British tourist Cliff Walker from Birmingham says that this move will put him off holidaying here.  He told Costa Del Sol Update “I’m not from Birmingham actually, I’m from Bearwood.  This is ridiculous, we come here and use the beaches every year.  If we’re going to be kept off the main beaches, and charged to use the other beaches, we’ll just stop coming here and start going to Clacton instead.  The food is better there anyway”.

Bad Weather Beach

Cliff Walker plans to holiday in Clacton from now on.

Anne Fernandez runs a Brexit Support Group on Facebook where her members express outrage about important topics like taxation for expats and counterfeit Blu Tack sales in local supermarkets.  She says “My members are understandably outraged by this news.  Many feel that this is a knee jerk reaction to Brexit, except for those who don’t, but whatever people feel the cause of this is, we are united in our outrage.  Except for Tony, who posted today that he doesn’t bother with the beaches anyway, though some people expressed outrage that he lives in Spain and doesn’t use the beaches”.

Are you happy to pay €10 a day to use British only beaches on the Costa Del Sol? Have your say in the comments section below!

Written by Sandy Beech, Costa Del Sol Update

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  1. Does the 10 euro include an ice cold drink or an ice cream, it does get hot on the Spanish beaches for us Brits.

  2. What a load of rubbish, without us going on holiday they will all end up like Greece SKINT we are their biggest income in the holiday market if they want to loose us well good luck to them. The English will travel further afield for their holidays so do you really think they would want to loose us by cheating us to use a beach. They will be begging us to come back when they have lost us and hotels are shutting down all over Europe and their unemployment figures will go through the roof.

  3. Seems that Brexit has caused a sense-of-humour bypass for some. Maybe they should check-put the name of the author first.

  4. Well in some ways a surcharge would be fair enough… I hope the angry posters do go further afield, leave the sun and the sand to us!

  5. It’s becone a bit of a cliche, but it does seem to be true that Brexiters dont have a sense of humour. In fact dontd they just seem to be miserable all the time?

  6. Some real dummies replying on here..1st class honours in wonder they think brexit is a good idea .

  7. Clearly the guy flying the flag is in great distress…’s UP-SIDE-DOWN……..some Brit !!

  8. Unbelievable that anyone can take this seriously. Anybody with more than one braincell knows this is (sarcastic) humor. But heho the Brexeteers start ranting about boycotting Spain. I must admit that it would be lovely to have brexitbrit free beaches in the future.

  9. Oh no. I used to love lying there reading my Daily Mail. Well I’ll just go to Gibraltar instead. They’re our own people and they love us. 😂

  10. Well, cant blame the authorities here, i am a remainer, you brexshiters stop in uk and pay lot mor holidaying in uk, everyone will screw ye to the ground, and thanks again for f….ing everything up ye brainless lot !

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