Anger Over Andalucia Alcohol Sales Rules. The rules regarding alcohol sales in supermarkets have been revised for the third time and are causing even more confusion.
Anger Over Andalucia Alcohol Sales Rules
Citizens in Andalucia are reacting angrily to news that rules regarding alcohol sales in supermarkets are being revised again. Previously it was decided that alcohol sales would be banned after 6pm, this was then modified to permit sales of beer and wine but not spirits after 6pm. Today’s ruling now regulates which brands can be bought at which times of the day.
Certain brands of beer may now only be sold during specified hours. Andalucia County Council spokesman Rodrigo Culo de Rata says “We held a meeting today to discuss the current rules, and unanimously decided that they are not complicated enough. With this modification, I’m confident we will be able to achieve maximum confusion and minimal effect on virus control regarding alcohol sales”.

Confused shoppers trying to figure out what they can buy and when.
New Times For Beer Sales In Andalucia
The official list of sales times for beer has been published by the council, and will come into effect at midnight tonight. Any shop caught selling the wrong brands of beer at the wrong times will be fined unspecified amounts.
Permitted beer brand sales times in Andalucia are:
- 8am to 10am – Skol Lager
- 10am to 12pm – Carling and Carlsberg
- 12pm to 2pm – Becks and Netwon & Riddley
- 2pm to 4pm – Bishop’s Tipple and Stella Artois
- 4pm to 6pm – Victoria and Cruz Campo
*Any beer brands not on this list may only be sold in single units between 1.30pm and 1.45pm.

A lightly armed team of police officers will be monitoring alcohol purchases in supermarkets.
Rules Causing Confusion
Expats on the Costa Del Sol are reacting with confusion and anger to the new rules. Bill Sanderson is a spokesman for Spanish Coastal Regulation Of The United Municipalities. He says “this is ridiculous. Many of my parishioners are expats with alcohol problems who simply can’t be expected to limit their purchases to certain times of the day. It’s way too confusing. We would stand united against this, except many of our people have been drinking since 8am and can’t stand by now”.

Some expats have already started panic buying beer.
Outraged Expats
Anne Fernandez runs a Facebook support group where expats can express their outrage over things like Brexit and a shortage of custard cream biscuits in some British branded supermarkets. Anne says “We’re all outraged! This new rule is hard enough to understand sober, but most of my members have been drinking round the the clock since the beginning of the first lockdown and don’t stand a chance. We’ve decided to protest this rule by boycotting all soft drinks, except for Red Bull. I’m on my fourth can today already. Judy, prepare the caffeine straps on the swivel chair – I’m getting jittery!”.
There has been limited support for this latest adjustment of the rules. Alec Gilroy from Birmingham now lives in Malaga. He says “actually I’m not from Birmingham, I’m from Solihull. These rules seem complicated but honestly, they’ve been well thought out. No one drinks Skol anymore, so that keeps the shops quiet first thing in the morning. People who drink Carling or Carlsberg don’t get out of bed before lunchtime anyway, so that also keeps the shops quiet. I don’t understand why people just don’t switch to wine, it’s far more cultured.”

Stew Pidd thinks this is fake news.
Stew Pidd is convinced that anything he doesn’t understand, especially satire, is fake news. He says “It’s all rubbish, you’re being lied to. It’s fake news! Brexit means they can’t stop us buying beer in Spain – it’s what we voted for. Do your research!”
Have you been able to understand the new rules? Have your say in the comments section below.
Written by Jilly Goolden, Costa Del Sol Update.